Feature: Magazin (Deutsch) this feature tests the general functions and availability of the Repository in ilias 5.3. it also tests every route Scenario: Seite verfuegbar Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/goto.php?target=root_1&client_id=build53&lang=de" Then I should see "Open Source eLearning" And I should see "Magazin" And I should see "Kategorien" And I should see "Anmelden" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Kategorien route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Kategorien" And I should see "Behat Kategorie" When I follow "Behat Kategorie" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/kategorie/145.html" And I should see "Behat Kategorie" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Studienprogramme Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Studienprogramme" And I should see "Behat Studienprogramm" When I follow "Behat Studienprogramm" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/studienprogramm/148.html" And I should see "Behat Studienprogramm" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Kurse Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Kurse" And I should see "Behat Kurs" When I follow "Behat Kurs" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/142.html" And I should see "Behat Kurs" And I should not see "Error" @login @route repo_folder_ref Scenario: Ordner Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Kurse" And I should see "Behat Kurs" When I follow "Behat Kurs" And I should see "Behat Ordner" When I follow "Behat Ordner" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/ordner/143.html" And I should see "Behat Ordner" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Gruppen Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Gruppen" And I should see "Behat Gruppe" When I follow "Behat Gruppe" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/144.html" And I should see "Behat Gruppe" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Glossar Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Glossare" And I should see "Behat Glossar" When I follow "Behat Glossar" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/glossar/150.html" And I should see "Behat Glossar" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Uebungen Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Übungen" And I should see "Behat Übung" When I follow "Behat Übung" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/uebung/155.html" And I should see "Behat Übung" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Test Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Tests" And I should see "Behat Test" When I follow "Behat Test" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/test/154.html" And I should see "Behat Test" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Umfrage Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Umfragen" And I should see "Behat Umfrage" When I follow "Behat Umfrage" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/umfrage/159.html" And I should see "Behat Umfrage" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Fragenpools Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Fragenpools für Tests" And I should see "Behat Fragenpool" When I follow "Behat Fragenpool" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/fragenpool/156.html" And I should see "Behat Fragenpool" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Umfrage Fragenpool Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Fragenpools für Umfragen" And I should see "Behat Umfrage Fragenpool" When I follow "Behat Umfrage Fragenpool" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/umfrage-fragenpool/160.html" And I should see "Behat Umfrage Fragenpool" And I should not see "Error" @login Scenario: Portfoliovorlagen Route Given I am on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/1.html" Then I should see "Portfoliovorlagen" And I should see "Behat Portfoliovorlage" When I follow "Behat Portfoliovorlage" Then I should be on "https://build53.invorbereitung.de/magazin/portfolio/161.html" And I should see "Behat Portfoliovorlage" And I should not see "Error"